A.S.D. Quadrato Meticcio braucht Hilfe

Hallo liebe Leute,

ich muss euch heute mal mit einer Herzensangelegenheit belästigen (schon wieder? und dann isses auch noch teilweise Fußball; igitt; aber, halt, stop, nee, viel mehr als Fußball): wir, d.h. mein Fußballteam der Ü30 von Concordia Nowawes (und natürlich Concordia selbst auch) beteiligen uns gerade an einer Solidaritätskampagne für ASD Quadrato Meticcio.
Wasn das?
Quadrato Meticcio gründete sich 2012 aus einer Nachbarschaftsinitiative aus dem Viertel Palestro di Padova (also in Padua), um eine gemeinschaftlich genutztes Areal für Sport und Freizeit vor den Umwandlungsplänen des Stadtrats in einen Parkplatz (!) zu bewahren. Inzwischen sind bei Quadrato Meticcio 150 Mitglieder organisiert und 100 Sportler - Erwachsene, Jugendliche und Kinder - in fünf verschiedenen Mannschaften aktiv.

Neben den originären sportlichen Aktivitäten organisiert ASD Quadrato Meticcio kostenlose Beratungsangebote, Schülerhilfe, Kommunal-Kino und Kulturveranstaltungen sowie italienisch-Kurse als Voraussetzung für Integration und Bildung. Alle Menschen des Viertels können die gemeinschaftlichen Angebote nutzen.

Ihr Konsens ist sehr strikt antirassistisch, antisexistisch, antihomophob, eben genau auf unserer aller Wellenlänge. (Wer Insta hat, kann sich ja hier mal einen Eindruck verschaffen: https://www.instagram.com/quadrato_meticcio/?hl=de sind ganz lustige Bilder dabei…)

Da sich die Angebote von Quadrato Meticcio solidarisch finanzieren (Konzerte, Infoveranstaltungen etc.) und derzeit ausnahmslos alle Veranstaltungen ausfallen müssen (ihr ahnt´s schon: Corona), fehlen wichtige Einnahmen, um den Betrieb aufrecht erhalten zu können. Quadrato Mesticcio hat deshalb eine Online-Spendensammlung gestartet, an der wir uns als Concordia auch beteiligen, denn selbstorganisierte Kultur, Sport, Bildung, ja, besser geht´s doch gar nicht mehr…

Naja, und da wir ja hier ein ähnlich ausgerichteter Solidarverband sind (hui, was ein Wort) , dachte ich, doch ja, hier könnte es auch InteressentInnen geben. Wenn ihr also einen kleinen Betrag übrig habt und, vielleicht noch wichtiger, einen netten Kommentar hinterlassen wollt: ich glaub, die freuen sich riesig: https://www.produzionidalbasso.com/project/sostieni-il-quadrato-meticcio/?fbclid=IwAR3S9tFQYiOY1ohzHm7IooNmmtmSDwHCXSwu-TMvxxw5FMqEakNE27fR5ps#1

Das war´s schon. Vielen Dank für´s Lesen.


6 „Gefällt mir“

Kleines Update aus Padova, was Covid für den Verein dort bedeutet.

Übrigens die concordia-initierte Solisammlung läuft noch bis morgen…

It seems like the neighborhood was blown away. A place so loud became the quietest on Earth ” Annabel, 13 years old

In the square, undergoing renovation since before the lockdown, kids from the area used to play, night and day. They turned flower planters into goals, pissed off some neighbors, scratched some knees. The little fenced square, Piazzetta Caduti della Resistenza - dedicated to those who fought and died for the Resistance in WWII – is the place where our headquarters are located, and it is also the center of the quarter’s life - together with the football field.

Most of the people living in the district are elderly or families of many, coming from Maghreb and Sub-Saharan Africa. Today they feel torn-apart: not only because of the Covid-19 emergency, but also because they miss their center of gravity. The elder, even though were used to spend time at home, feel now isolated, left alone, lacking the square where they could sit on a bench, watch kids toss a ball (and maybe yell at them a little bit) and chat with same-aged fellas and friends.

Kids are those who suffer the most: in many families, parents never stopped working, being employed in storehouses and cleaning jobs. The little ones feel lonely, maybe even lost.

Lonely because Quadrato Meticcio had to close because of the pandemic. Lonely because their families can’t look after them, being at work, and when it comes to telematic classes the language becomes a barrier.

Around the square and the football field, during these months of inactivity, a group of dealers increased its activity and organization, hiding their goods behind bushes, wandering around with intimidating attitude, expanding its network of both clients and sellers. A number of needles reappeared on street sides, too.

The places once vitalized by people, cultural, sportive and recreative activities, are now vomiting micro criminality, substance use, margination.

Thus, after March, we decided to re-open the field and cooperate with CSV (Center for Volunteer Service) to turn the facility into a storehouse for food and goods that will be distributed to families in need. We want to send a message to the community: we work and stay, even during hard times. We struggle, we sweat, but we do not give in.

Sadly, kids are left out anyway, they are not allowed to come in and we see them hanging around near the gate, head down, hands in their pockets, kicking rocks as the go. Sometimes they ask for a ball to play with -but they don’t have much space to use it. Restrictive measures still forbid gatherings, and even small groups (4-5 people) must follow strict security guidelines.

We are trying to organize summer camps for children, asking ourselves how can we make sure to keep security distances? We are thinking of diverse activities, scheduled in several time-blocks, people scattered on the large field.

Yesterday we met for the first associative meeting after the pandemic started: it was great to finally look into each other’s eyes. We talked of you guys, of your generosity, of the immense gratitude we have for you. We also took a distanced-pose picture to thank you!

And after all the bad and good pieces of news, we have a magnificent one: Piazzetta Caduti della Resistenza will be completed in June, ready to be crossed and lived once again!

We have also attached some pictures so that you can visualize the situation better… J

Bet wishes

ASD Quadrato Meticcio